Report App in the radio show 'Geld of je leven' on NPO Radio 1. Listen.

Report App is your partner in prevention.

We are very proud of our customers and partners who work with us to build a positive work, sports and learning environment and initiate a change from a reactive to a preventive culture. An environment where employees feel heard and supported, without fear of possible consequences. Together, we foster trust, respect, understanding and connection.

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Partnership with Partners in Vertrouwen.

Judith Gerritsen & Maureen Meeng

Report App has a partnership with Partners in Vertrouwen, a progressive consulting firm specializing in confidential advisors.

Our partnership stems from our shared vision that confidential advisors have a proactive role in preventing undesirable behavior in an organization. The independent approach and involvement of an external confidential advisor provides a trusted environment in which employees can safely vent their hearts or share their concerns. 
 Partners in Vertrouwen brings expertise and diversity to confidential advisors and has a national distribution.

Organizations that start using the Report App can always add an external confidential advisor of Partners in Vertrouwen in addition to any existing internal and/or external confidential advisors. Together we will find the most suitable profile for your organization.